
Our Practice

Welcome To Diablo Valley Implant Dentistry

At Diablo Valley Implant Dentisty, Dr. Anthony Lizano and his staff are commited to providing you with the best possible implant dentisty available. We strive to make your visit as comfortable and pleasant as possible. Our office is continuously refining each aspect of our practice to make sure we are providing you with the best and most state-of-the-art dental implant treatment there is. We value you as a patient and welcome you into our practice as a patient.

Our Vision

The vision of our practice is to provide the highest quality implant dental care available anywhere in the world, offering meticulous, uncompromising, personalized service and attention; in order to help those patients who suffer with missing teeth return to optimal comfort, esthetics, function, confidence, and health.

-Dr. Anthony Lizano and Staff

From the moment you enter our practice your well-being is our top priority. Dr. Anthony Lizano and his entire team have the training, skills and experience to help you achieve a superior result.

Our team is 100% dedicated to providing dental implant treatment and we have created a world-class facility to do so. We utilize the latest most state-of-the-art technologies including:


  • Cone beam CT scanning for the most accurate diagnostic information, done right in our office eliminating the need for extra visits and trips to x-ray labs.
  • Computer-guided implant placement for the most precise placement of dental implants in order to achieve the best esthetic and functional outcomes, as well as reduce risks from improper placement of implants.

We Provide A Full Range Of Dental Implant Services Including:

  • Single Tooth Replacement
  • Multiple Tooth Replacement
  • All Teeth Replacement
  • Teeth-in-a-Day Procedures
  • Bar Attachment Denture Prcodures
  • Ridge Augmentation Grafting