
What Is The Cost of Dental Implants?

Dental implants offer a long-lasting solution for Danville patients missing one or more teeth. However, the cost associated with this dental procedure is a common concern for many patients. At Diablo Valley Implant Dentistry in Danville, Dr. Anthony Lizano, a board-certified dental implant surgeon, and his team aim to demystify the costs, ensuring patients make an informed decision when choosing dental implant surgery.

What are the main factors in the costs?

The price of dental implants in Danville can vary significantly, /and several key factors influence the cost. Having an understanding of the factors that influence the cost can help you understand why costs might differ from one patient to another.

  1. Material Quality: The materials used for the implant, abutment, and crown are crucial in the overall cost. High-quality, durable materials like titanium for implants and porcelain for crowns may increase the price but offer better longevity and aesthetics.
  2. Complexity of the Procedure: Every patient’s needs are unique. Some may require additional treatments, such patients with low bone density may require as a bone graft or a sinus lift, to ensure the success of the implant, which can add to the overall cost.
  3. The Surgeon’s Expertise: The experience and qualifications of the dental surgeon performing the implantation can influence the cost. Specialists like Dr. Anthony Lizano, with board certification and years of dedicated practice in dental implant surgery, might command a higher fee, reflecting their expertise and the value they bring to the procedure.
  4. Location of the Dental Practice: Geographic location can also affect the cost of dental implants. Practices located in metropolitan areas where the cost of living is higher may have higher prices than practices in more rural areas.

Price Range of Dental Implants

Given these factors, the price range for dental implants can vary broadly. Generally, a single dental implant can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000, but when you include additional components such as the abutment and crown, the total cost per tooth can reach $6,000 or more. It is important to note that these prices may differ based on each dental implant case and the location of the practice.

What Does The Cost of Dental Implants Include?

When considering dental implant surgery, it’s essential to understand what the cost of dental implants includes. At Diablo Valley Implant Dentistry, we believe in transparency and comprehensive care, which is why our prices typically cover:

  • Consultation and Planning: Initial examination and detailed planning using advanced imaging techniques to ensure a successful outcome.
  • Dental Implant Surgery: The cost of the surgical procedure itself, including any sedation or anesthesia.
  • Materials: High-quality implant, abutment, and crown materials.
  • Follow-up Care: Post-operative visits to monitor healing and implant integration.

What Other Aspects Should Be Considered?

Investing in dental implants will significantly improve your quality of life. Dental implants restore not only your teeth’ functionality but also the confidence in your smile. At Diablo Valley Implant Dentistry, Dr. Anthony Lizano is committed to providing exceptional care, using state-of-the-art technology and the highest-grade material to ensure the best outcomes for our patients.

We understand that the cost of dental implants in Danville can be a concern for many patients, which is why our team at Diablo Valley Implant Dentistry is here to guide you through every step of the process. We begin with a personalized consultation and guide you through post-operative care to ensure you are comfortable with your treatment plan.

Schedule A Dental Implant Consultation

If you’re considering dental implants, schedule a consultation with our board certified dental implant surgeon, Dr. Anthony Lizano to discuss your options. Together, we can explore how dental implants can transform your smile and your life. Call our team at (925) 838-1109 to schedule your dental implant consult for at Diablo Valley Implant Dentistry in Danville.

We encourage you to explore the common dental implants FAQs and the benefits of dental implants prior to making your life changing decision to replace your missing teeth.